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Advantages and Disadvantages of Haptics:


Haptics technologies bring a feedback to the user for the movement that represented by the computer. For each new technology developed, the user or the customers has always debating about the new technology weather it will do well or not. The benefits of haptics innovation are that it makes an exceptional kind of correspondence between the user and the digital device and in that way the user takes an advantage of the touch and feel sense. Additionally, Haptics technology is a passionate path for a user to associate with a PC or other haptics gadget, also, have that gadget show data once more into this present reality. On the other hand there is also disadvantage in haptics technology such as the expenses connected with it, now and then organizations can't bear the cost of such gear inside of their association and subsequently won't execute it. Also it is expensive, but as this technology becomes very popular in these days and almost every one can get easily used to it. Then again, not everyone has the knowledge of its advantage and disadvantage. Everything has pros and cons.





  • Correspondence is concentrated through touch and the computerized world can act like this present reality.

  • Attempting time may be decrease since things might a chance to be apprehended, controlled, modified and rescaled digitally.

  • Remedial field test systems grant may an opportunity to be specialists ought to act digitally, putting on conviction in the framework before living up to expectations for unwinding patients.

  • With haptics equipment and programming, the architect can move the part and feel the outcome, as though he/she were taking care of the physical object.

  • Improve user involvement in the video game.






  • The exactness of touch obliges a ton of development configuration. With just a feeling of touch, haptics interfaces can't convey notices.

  • Haptics applications can be to a great degree intricate, obliging exceptionally concentrated equipment and extensive preparing force.

  • Troubleshooting issues—these are confused since they include ongoing information examination.

  • Implementation of this technology is costly.


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