Haptics Technology:
The five human senses that mankind uses for numerous day to day activities have their own forte’s to excel in. However, when it comes to proficiency, then no sense is as astonishingly proficient as the human sense of touch. This is owing to the reason that the sense of touch is the only sense capable of simultaneous input and output due to stimulus reception and motor response working in tandem. That is why mankind has now focused most of their attention on improving haptics technology in order to bring about an increase in Human Computer and Human Robot Interaction (Tappeiner).
Haptics technology is the amalgamation of tactile and kinesthetic feedback. Tactile feedback is what is commonly known as touch or sensing touch whereas kinesthetic feedback refers to all other mechanical sensing that humans are capable of via their muscles and joints (Tappeiner).
Kinesthetic feedback is implemented in robots to make them seem more humane, allowing for them to react to environmental changes such as sudden increases in processing due to an increase in sensory data.
Haptics feedback is thus considered the overall sense of touch. Incorporating the ideology of the sense of touch in technology is what is known as haptics technology. Allowing smartphone screen sensors to sense the slightest of pressure changes allows for touch detection and thus provides tactile feedback for the processor and allows for a machine to change its shape when meeting a force of greater momentum and thus provide kinesthetic feedback. This provides a prime example of Haptics Technology (Precision Microdrives).