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History of Haptics:


     In our life, everyone owning a devise that has haptics interface, but do we know the history of haptics or as it's called "tactile".


     First of all, what is Haptics? Haptics is a word used in Greek called haptikos, which means “It is to touch the way optics is to sight. It's a user interface that circumvents the cluttered inputs of sight and sound, and it's appearing in an increasing number of objects we interact with daily vibration is just the beginning.” (1,2012). 


     The first explorations of tactile systems were used in second war, which it’s been aircraft to warn the pilot that the plane was about to stall. However, the system was organize to prevent the control stick from vibrating out of control when the aircraft approached stalling, and then they discover that is very useful and easy to use for pilot. The haptics interface safety for the aircraft. In 1856 was the first tactile Writing Systems for Readers With Blindness, which that helped a lot of people to read. And now is much easer to use than before and inexpensive to buy.

There were a few bases of haptics interface and they were coincidently distributed in single 990.


     The most pervasive utilization of Haptics has been in videogames. In 1976, Sega's Moto-Cross fused vibration feedback when the bicycle slammed or hit the harsh as an afterthought of the street. This gave the gamer feedback past the standard visual and sound criticism to better control the bicycle. Since "Moto-Cross" haptics input has turn out to be close omnipresent in amusement controllers. Each activity, from being shot to making a sharp turn, is intensified through vibration or power input.


     Watercourse started in 1967 a task to create visual and haptics showcase for 6-D power fields of cooperating protein particles. The principal haptics framework, GROPE 1, utilized 2-D mobile degree (pic,1). Servomotors apply x and y power. The last framework, GROPE-Ill, demonstrated that constrain essentially adds to errand giving the most minimal potential vitality of the docked blend.


        Now days the haptic is more popular and it is always keep new things up, for example in the 2001 is the first Apple iPod came out it has a button to shaft between songs. But with time and with new studies about haptic, the iPod became touchable in 2005 also has more features such as the clock and has a sport mood, which you could know how long, did you walked and measuring heartbeat.



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